I turned FIREWOOD into SIDING! Warrior sawmill Off Grid
Okay that was a second log on Mill and now off the mill. I ran out of daylight though so I had to kinda patch this one together for you guys. It’s the next morning, I woke up early this morning and I started getting the boards the ends cut off so they were nice and square and also to rip them I have to cut them because they’re so wide down to 11inches and a quarter for our boards were to be putting on the building and then I’ll actually have some leftover and we’ll be able to use for another project so that was really cool. Really enjoying the mill so far is a great asset to have on the homestead so let me get these board ripped real quick and then we’ll be ready to apply the first set of boards onto the building.
That’s a couple good days on the dogger there. Getting it done. It is looking really good. Yeah is pretty exciting to actually Mill our own lumber here. We knew that it was coming and now that it’s here and we’re actually doing it. Its actually a pretty cool experience. You know and when they say, and kids ask, where do eggs come from? The grocery store!. The come from a chicken. But it’s kind of like when I saw the mill you didn’t know and I didn’t really put it together. Until I saw him cutting them and then I’m looking at them and his cutting them into actual boards. So its like one of things and people ask where did you get board from and you say, you get it from the lumber store, or from like the big box stores or something. And its crazy to know and look and see that we’re milling our own Boards. Get it from the tree. Yeah its crazy and when you kinda put that analogy together its really cool. So its a big step for us on the project guys we actually got some boards hung up. Stay tuned!